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Omagh North Nursery School, Omagh

Open Day Registration

You must be visiting this link because you have a child who is going to celebrate their 3rd birthday on or before the 1st July 2025.

We would be thrilled to see you at our Open Day event on FRIDAY 10TH JANUARY between 12 noon and 2pm.

To make sure that it doesn't get too busy during your visit, we would be grateful if you could click on the link below to select a first and second preference time.  Staff will be available to assist you with your child's application on the day if you want to take your child's birth certificate with you.

Click on this link please: 

An email will be sent to you PRIOR TO CHRISTMAS confirming your visit time.

In the meantime if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Warmest wishes

Mrs Duffy-Phillips and the team