About Us

As a community nursery school, we delight in integrating children from all religious and cultural
backgrounds and believe that inclusion and diversity are important elements of today’s society.
Inclusion and diversity is an integral part of our curriculum, effectively delivered through our Media
Initiative Project.
Omagh North Nursery School’s qualified and experienced staff consist of three teachers, two fulltime
nursery assistants, four part-time assistants, a secretary, a dining attendant, a cleaner and a
building supervisor. Our team’s aim is to promote the education of our children in all aspects of their
development and work closely with parents and other agencies in order to enable all children ‘to be
the best they can be’.
At all times the staff of Omagh North Nursery School strive to provide a warm, welcoming and
caring atmosphere where everyone feels valued, and the needs of the child are at the centre of all
our decision making.
Omagh North Nursery will be hosting an Open Day on Friday 10th January between 12 noon and
We currently have two fulltime classes which run from 08:45am - 1:15pm. Our Bright Start Breakfast Club also runs from 08:15am daily.
Our Daily Routine
8:45 am - Doors open and children are greeted at the door by their teacher
9:20 am - Greeting Time
9:35 am - Indoor play and exploration incorporating snack
11:00 am - Tidy up time
11:10 am - Story time
11:25 am - Outdoor play and exploration
11:40 am - Children begin to get ready for dinners, tidying up the outdoors
12 noon Dinners – all children avail of a hot cooked meal
12:30 pm - Outdoor play and exploration
12:50 pm - Tidy up time outside
12:55 pm - Music and rhyme time
1:15 pm - Home time
Omagh North Nursery School, 64 Old Mountfield Rd, Omagh BT79 7EG | Phone: 028 8224 6431